Stain wonder

Our own TVR wonder case containing stain removal products, specially designed for TVR carpets, now offers the client an easy stain removal solution.
It is important for the lifespan of your carpet to vacuum your carpet from the day of purchase at least once per week. Do this exclusively with a vacuum cleaner fitted with an adjustable floor tool, no brushing vacuum cleaners. Vacuum cleaners with an electrically driven brush will cause irreparable damage to the structure of your TVR carpet. Do not use a robot vacuum; these are not powerful enough and therefore could damage your carpet irreparably.
You can (locally) clean your carpet using ‘Miracle Water’ and a cotton cloth. By using ‘Miracle Water’ on a regular basis from the day of purchase, your carpet will keep its fresh appearance longer. ‘Miracle Water’ is a maintenance product that will freshen up your carpet. You will enjoy a fresh appearance of your carpet, since general soiling will be removed.
You can easily check whether it is necessary to (locally) clean your carpet. Spray ‘Miracle Water’ on a dry white cotton cloth and then wipe the purpose area using wide sweeping strokes. If you see soil coming off the carpet, you know the treatment is successful and you may continue.
In case the stain is still visible or if you have any doubts about the treatment, mail to maintenance@thibaultvanrenne.com
We disapprove the use of any other cleaning products as they can cause irreparable and irreversible damage to your TVR rug. If you ran out of products, you can easily order them here on this website. Should you still not be able to remove your stain from your TVR carpet, please contact us and we can help with organizing transport, cleaning or reparation of your TVR rug.